Faculty Fund Application Form


CLAS has transitioned into the College of Science and the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences.

Thank you for your patience as we sunset this website over the 23-24 academic year.

The Faculty Grant is the College Alumni Council fund specifically designated for alumni giving. This fund is supported by the Alumni Council, alumni of the Colleges, and friends of the Colleges. All funds donated throughout the year go directly to support and enhance the Colleges. The Council will meet quarterly to review grant applications and distribute funds. The Council will vote on each grant application and decide upon the funding amount. You will be notified by email if your grant has been chosen.

The Council and committee are under no obligation to allocate the entire annual budget in the first allocation process. Grants may not be requested for a program that is defined as a fundraiser. In addition, those student organizations/departments that did not complete the post-event report and program summary from a previous allocation may not receive funds for the new fiscal year. We encourage groups in this situation to submit their previous allocation’s post- event summary prior to completing the 2020-2021 proposal.

Post-Event Report Submission Page

After receiving a grant from the Alumni Council Fund, organizations/departments are required to submit a post-event report and program summary to provide information on the outcomes produced as a result of the funding provided. This report is necessary to steward our donors and continue to seek additional funding from our alumni, families, and others in the Niner Nation.

All remaining awarded funds that were not spent will be reclaimed by the Alumni Council and the College Deans.